Rebecca Wedekind – Global Finance Manager
Why did you choose Braddock?
I was looking to become part of a growing organization with Global outreach. Braddock’s 5 year plan was too tempting to turn down and the company’s culture was really attractive.
What do you like about working at Braddock?
There is an excellent balance between being serious and having fun at work. Everyone works hard every day but doesn’t take themselves too seriosuly. We also work very well as a team across all functions of the business, from Sales through to Operations and finally my team in Finance.
Who would you recommend Braddock too?
Everyone, I am constantly recommending people to come work here as it is such a good atmosphere and the career opportunities are great.
Any other comments?
Whether you are in Sales, Recruitment, Operations, Admin or Finance, please get in touch with us, we are always looking for excellent people and you will not regret joining this hard-working but fun company.